Saturday, October 12, 2013

Kassi Fall Fun Senior =)

You might recognize Kassi from some of the weddings I've shot with her. We work together very well, I had a blast taking her senior photos. =) Since a photo is worth a thousand words.. I just let them do the talking. 



Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ben and Lauren got married 2 1/2 weeks ago =')!!! I'm so happy for them and love them sooooooo much!!! I hope you enjoy these portraits of them after the ceremony, and hope you're friends with them on FB... cause you'll get to see the rest through them =).

Flower girls

Lauren treated all of the bridesmaids and myself to starbucks right before the wedding.

I'm married, I'm married, I'm married!!!!!!

Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo? 

Come to me! 

After the wedding meal ;) They've decided to go to taco bell every anniversary.

Mild sauce packet says "It only gets hotter from here". ;)